Final Presentation (App)

 * Reflection: what, why, how.
  Among all the App we had learned, I reckon that "Plickers" is one kind of  a creative, convenient tool for teaching. For example, students are able to answer the questions freely with no cheating situations. Besides, under the comfortable, pleasant and effective teaching/ learning context; students are more willing to  reply to teacher. And teacher will own more passion for their jobs.
(*"Plickers"是一款可以讓老師們快速地在課室當中,實施評量互動的一種工具,學生只需取得老師課前事先依座號或學號...印製的紙張,即可在教室裡即時回應老師問題。 )
  * operational practices:
1. Open the Plickers App to log in
2. Enter "Classes". The question you just typed will appear below. 

  Tools required:
1. A mobile (a mobile or tablet)
2. The paper
3. The Internet
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  * specific application process
- The student side:
1. All Ss should have a PDF file of a barcode card which has been downloaded and printed on the Plickers website.
2. How to use the bar code (paper) card?
  Each card has a number. You can think of it as the Ss' seat number. The four sides of the card have different English letters:A, B, C and D. When you use it, if the answer you want to answer is B, you just need to put the side of B up.
- The teacher side:
1. Use Android or IOS platform to download and install the app, and have networking ability of teachers' phone.
2. Sign up and in.
3. Establish classes (more classes can be used by subject teachers).
4. Enter the basic information of the class: name/ grade/ subject/ color
5. After entering the class, the teacher enters the students names one by one, which can also be copied. If there there is a need for a jumped number, the name is simply given as a code name and the number is then stored as an Archieve Student.
6. Then start the proposition. Enter "Library" and enter questions; below are the choices. Check the corrext choices.
7. After all the things are settled, then click on the (camera) ICON  below the titles (question topics) to enter the answer to scan.
  * suggested paper size: A4 (ane paper can be used repeatedly, please keep it well).
  * So this is the summary of using the App Plickers:
1. The teacher sets the content in advance.
2. After everything is ready, ask students to answer the questions in their mind and after that ask them to turn their answers (black side) towards the top (after reading the topic questions).
3. The teacher uses the device in the App to scan the answers of the students (the patterns on the paper cards).
4. Then students' answers can be displayed.
